How we escaped disaster from the two charging rhino can only be attributed to a little luck and the coolness in which Nico stood his ground and dispatched the oncoming two tons of mass.  I do know one thing.  In the future, you can count on me being armed when hunting all dangerous game.

Clarkrange Hunting Lodge

On the Tennessee front, not much has changed.  Clarkrange Hunting Lodge still offers the best wild boar hunting in America, bar none.  Nearly 1000 clients went thru in ’04 and all seemed satisfied.  Johnny is still managing to keep the lodge running and most of the same good quality guides are with us.  Fortunately, no one was injured this past year but we did experience a bad guide/boar encounter the year before. 

Lonnie, one our premier guides was attacked and hospitalized by a big 300 pound presidential boar which had grown tired of his pursuers and decided to stop and fight. Too bad he didn’t notify Lonnie of his plan.  The boar charged out of the laurel and knocked Lonnie to the ground where the hog proceeded to work him over. Lonnie escaped with a torn ACL and some very bruised ribs but didn’t sustain any cuts or broken bones.  He was very lucky all in all given the size and temperament of this particular animal. Other than this incident, we escaped the season with only a few other close calls.  Those of you wishing to venture into the Clarkrange woods must remember that these European boar and nasty when they want to be and can do a lot of damage to hunters and dogs alike.  You have to be careful and listen to your guide at all times. 

In other Clarkrange news, bookings are coming faster than usual for next year so if you want to secure a date, get on the phone and make the reservation before we’re all booked up.  If you think this is just some kind of marketing line, call now and ask about availability for March. 

Ken Moody Hunting On TV

Many of you have seen us on various TV shows and this coming year will be no exception.  Mossy Oak’s Hunting The Country will air a few shows that we did with Bob Foulkrod in Africa and his hunting of the Big 6.  I just received notification on the air time for the Cape Buffalo hunt so take a look at the Mossy Oak website for show times concerning these hunts. 

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