Finally An Update

Well, I’ve finally gotten around to doing an updated newsletter.  After a few years and many emails and phone calls, I decided I needed to take the time and provide everyone with an update on all that’s new at Ken Moody Hunting. Our business has grown tremendously thanks to our clients and the good word of mouth advertising they do for us at Clarkrange and Africa.  It’s really amazing how well our clients take care of us.  I’d like to thank everyone that’s hunted with us over the past years and look forward to your continued patronage.  I’ll try harder to keep this newsletter updated

but in all honesty, I am literally swamped with things to do.  I believe I undertake too much at times but I’m just not the type to have idle time on my hands.  Anyway, enjoy the newsletter and let us hear from you.


Ken Moody Hunting Africa Going Strong!

Africa!  What else can I say.  The mecca of big game hunting.  After 10 years KMHA has grown to be one of the largest hunting operations in Africa. 2004 was an exceptional year with 300 animals bagged by our clients.    We entertained guests from all over the U.S., many of which were old friends and repeat

customers.  Harry Whitehead brought a contingent of rifle hunters from Kentucky which ended up shooting 72 animals in 10 days.  Many a Kudu bull hit the salt with this bunch.  Gary Howie and his company of 11 bowhunters bagged 62 heads of game themselves.  We also shot hippo, lion, elephant, leopard, and rhino this year with fantastic results.  The charging rhino which almost killed our party was beyond exciting.  Read the story below for this adventure. Jack Saunders and son also hunted with us killing two hippo, oribi, bontebok, and Mountain Zebra.  Overall, a tremendous 2004 for Africa.  Again, the Superbow Package provided the big draw as it represents the best value for money

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2000 Newsletter 1999 Newsletter

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