Volume 1 1999

Ken Moody Safaris
in Botswana!

Guess who has added a 60,000 acre concession to its operation. That's right, beginning in 2000 KMS will have hunting on one single area of 60,000 acres along the Limpopo River in Botswana. Huge, enormous Kudu are available here as well as the finest Bushbuck in southern Africa. I believe this new area which has had very little hunting pressure will produce some outstanding Kudu bulls next season. And remember, these are naturally propagated Kudu born there. This isn't the usual small ground where big bulls are bought at a sale and released for hunting, this is the absolute real thing! If big Kudu get you excited, call us and schedule your hunt. I know this 60,000 acre piece will compliment our 28,000 acre ground in South Africa nicely as they are only a two hours drive apart. I'm waxing my bowstring already! If you've ever dreamed of or are planning a hunt to Africa, give us a call and let me share with you in detail what we have to offer. KMS is the fastest growing safari company in Africa and we're getting stronger and bigger every day. Call us and find out why.


We're still scheduling our celebrity hunts for both Clarkrange and Africa. Ted Nugent will roll into Hog Country sometime in May and fly into Africa to hunt with KMS in August. Call us for details. Bob Foulkrod and Dan Fitzgerald will both be back at Clarkrange this season and Burley Hall will join us in Tennessee as well as Africa. If you have any interest in hunting with any of these guys give us a call. If you don't know who they are (shame on you) call us and we'll fill you in.
KMS Featured in
Bowhunting World

Look for articles on Ken Moody Safaris in issues of Bowhunting World Magazine this season.

Mike Standlund, editor of this fine pub, hunted with KMS this past season covering the High Country sweepstakes and its winner Adam Donegan from New York. His article on Adam should be on the racks now. If you can't find it, call them for a copy. While you're at it, why not subscribe as the magazine provides great insight into current issues, equipment, etc. regarding the world of Bowhunting. Mike is a true gentleman and pleasure to have in camp. His coverage of Adam, who was on his very first bowhunt, should provide a wonderful insight into the KMS operation. While on the hunt, Adam was able to take a nice Duiker, Warthog, and Impala. Mike scored on a beautiful Gemsbok Bull and other species. Pat Meitin, writer for Petersen's Bowhunting, was also on hand to cover the hunt and bagged an Eland on his first day out . KMS looks forward to having each of these guys back for round two of bowhunting the dark continent.

Special Thanks To All Of Our Clients

I would just like to take a brief moment and express my thanks and gratitude to all of our clients who help make each season special. Dealing with the public the way that we do
can get tedious at times. Sometimes you don't even, want answer the phone after you've returned some of the 15-20 calls we receive in one day. Thank God for my wife Cindy whose always cheerful attitude never ceases to amaze me. She's on the phone constantly and never seems to get short with anyone. Additionally, she's responsible for sorting through all of the mail that comes in and getting the brochures and video orders out to where they go. Without her, Ken Moody Hunting Enterprises would come to a screeching halt! Dealing with our clients face to face, I have the opportunity to deal with every sort of hunter possible. 99% are wonderful and we bust our buffs to show them the time of their lives. 1 % makes me wish I'd kept my captain's commission and remained in the army. Anyway, I want to say that I really appreciate our clients and look forward to hunting with all of you. Remember, I'll never lie or mislead you and promise to always tell you the truth even if it's not what you want to hear. I won't kiss your butt or take any crap, but I'll always do my best to provide you with the experience you're entitled to. For any of you that's never hunted with us, give our references a call and find out why they keep coming back. I believe you'll find it's because we say what we mean and mean what we say!!!!


Phone: 800-585-4868
931-863-4227 FAX

E-Mail us from our home page

Mail direct to :
Ken Moody Hunting
POB 2008
Clarkrange, TN 38553


2004 Newsletter 1999 Newsletter



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